Ana Ayromlou © Avantgarde 2024 lebenstanz
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Was educated in the art of dancing at the Folkwang University of the Arts Essen, Germany. Her teacher was the famous modern dance performer and choreographer Pina Bausch. She was awarded the first prize for the art of dancing of the Josef-Else-Claasen Foundation. After her successful graduation she went to Spain in order to specialize in the art of the Spanish dance Flamenco in Madrid and Granada. At the internationally recognized school Amor de Dios she completed her knowledge. Back in Germany she performed in severa l shows and then in 1997 – she met Günther Fröhlich and Franz Althoff was given the leading role in the musical
For many years I accompanied the musical with a lot of joy and heart Various projects followed in my dance of life . Among other things - one
Focused, warm, open, searching, close to nature, attentive, strict, demanding, always with joy, feeling, rhythmic, dancing, musical, inspired, committed, interested, exciting is every day that is given to me! HAPPINESS 🍀 You find the ORIGIN and SOURCE in your 🧡 do what u love 💞 Ana ... encourager, horse woman - more than professionals are, artist, sunshine, Sorceress, you ask for a laugh every day, your heart always in the right place, "muchas gracias por los muchos años mi hermana - mi corazon" tu hermano 🎀      Happy   Day      🎊